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This picture of Michelle Obama hugging George W Bush has become a glorious meme

Making America hug again.

Obama Smithsonian African American Source: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/PA Wire

YESTERDAY, BARACK and Michelle Obama attended a dedication ceremony at the new Smithsonian Museum of African-American History and Culture, along with George W Bush and his wife Laura.

In a move that surprised quite a few, the First Lady greeted the former President with a little hug.

Obama Smithsonian African American Museum Source: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/PA Wire

That’s right, George. Lean on in.

Obama Smithsonian African American Museum Source: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/PA Wire

People have been oddly charmed by the unlikely display of affection:

georgemichelle Source: Twitter/@aminatou

truedetective Source: Twitter/@_StylishM

But the real work is being done over on the Photoshop Battle sub-Reddit, where the hug is being inserted into all sorts of interesting situations.

Here’s Michelle sending George off to sleep

SERtHM1 Source: u/jnoble50

And hugging a bush

JFv8JMx Source: u/abobaschibbychobbas

John Travolta coming in for the kill

jINPo3r Source: u/abobaschibbychobbas

This rather chilling interpretation

fFV9IDa Source: u/abobaschibbychobbas

And this mashup with that photo of Obama hugging Hillary Clinton

8lhXltd Source: u/abobaschibbychobbas

As always, Photoshoppers, your imagination is unparalleled. Bravo.

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